Unlocking Real Value Blog

AK In The Press: Social Media Important in Financial Services

Perhaps the financial services industry is finally getting it – a majority of respondents to an Ignites (a Financial Times Service) survey indicated that it is important for fund companies to be involved in social media. The complete article can be found by clicking here.

I was asked two questions by the reporter – whether it was important for fund companies to be involved in social media and if so, should they be interactive with the general public. The answer to both questions was a resounding yes.

As I have commented before, the old days of fund companies, or anyone else in the industry for that matter, simply pushing out their message the way they want to – via advertising for example – is no longer effective as a stand alone strategy; although advertising is still a way to promote brand recognition. In today’s 24/7 viral news world, clients and prospects want what they want, when they want it and how they want it.

Social media is an effective way to pull people into your website and to generate interest in your company and your services.

On the second question, the more respondents see that you are listening to them, and in fact taking the time to respond to their comments, the more engaged they will feel. One of the attractive features of social media is that it is a two-way street – it allows you to engage with people – to have lively discussions and even debates. Make people part of the conversation and they will be more inclined to remain interested.

It is good to see that the financial services world is starting to get the advantages of social media – and this is even without mentioning one of my favorite uses of social media – the ability to proactively communicate with and assist in client servicing – back to giving people what they want, when they want it and how they want it.

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